Apparently I’m on a caramel kick right now. A few weeks ago I made some coconut caramels, and then I just made these amazing chocolate coconut caramels – they were seriously good! Deep, rich flavour, not too sweet. I was sad to see the end of them. I wanted more. So I obviously had to make them again, right? But maybe some sort of variation. It’s the chocolate caramel that I was really loving, so I decided to skip the coconut and do something different with the caramel itself. What else goes well with chocolate? Pfft, silly question – pretty much anything, right? How about espresso? YES. (more…)
lime meltaways
It’s that time of year again – the farmer’s markets are open and there’s fresh fruit everywhere. And those are the flavours I’m craving. Sweet juicy strawberries and raspberries, and tart early-season blueberries. And one of my favourite summery flavours is citrus, especially lime. We have a long weekend coming up and I think I may need to make some lime sorbet. Or some lime popsicles maybe. I’ve also been meaning to make some lime marshmallows… hmmm… But in the meantime, while it’s not yet too hot to bake, we obviously needed some lime cookies. (more…)
peanut butter butterscotch chip cookies
This is another recipe that was a contender a couple weeks ago but got passed over for something else (it’s always so hard to choose!). And yet, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I wasn’t entirely sure how these two flavours would work together – I couldn’t really imagine it – and yet I love peanut butter, and I love butterscotch, so… maybe? One way to find out, right? (more…)
cinnamon animal crackers
Some time before Christmas, I was on a hunt to find some linzer cookie cutters. I had something very specific in mind and I just wasn’t finding it locally. I finally tracked down what I wanted online, and while I was there, I also found a bunch of other cookie cutters that I had to have. Including these fantastic spring-loaded animal cutters. LOVE. I couldn’t wait to make something with them! However, I had so many other recipes that I was dying to make that the animal crackers got pushed to the back and these cutters have just sat on the shelf for months. But then, flipping through one of my cookbooks one day, I found a recipe for cinnamon animal crackers. And I knew it was time… (more…)
chocolate coconut caramels
Last week I made some coconut caramels (reeeeeally good), and I had some cream left over so of course I had to make some more, right? I had to use it up – I had no choice. I was initially going to make something completely different (I had my eye on some orange espresso caramels, but I didn’t have any candied orange peel and no time to make it), so I ended up making these chocolate coconut caramels. Too much coconut? Is there such a thing? I figured the fact that they’re chocolate would be enough of a difference. And I like coconut; and since I’m the one making them, I get to choose. Right? Right. (more…)
chocolate espresso white chocolate chip cookies
I usually try to explain my reasons for choosing these recipes each week, maybe with a cute background story or something. Not this week. Sorry. I just had a beautiful four day weekend – man I needed this break – I got a lot of things done that I’d been procrastinating about and the weather was gorgeous so I got to just hang out in the sunshine too. On the last day? I was totally into baking cookies, but I honestly didn’t care what I made. So I just picked up the first book on the stack and turned to the first post-it on the side. This is what I found… (more…)
coconut caramels
I haven’t made caramels for quite awhile, and I’ve been really wanting to for several weeks. And I’ve been procrastinating for several weeks, too. No idea why – it’s possible I’m just lazy by nature (I totally am). But we’re also at the time of year where the weather seems to be constantly fluctuating between sunny and rainy and I always end up feeling tired and out of sorts. I’ve read articles about low pressure systems affecting people like this and I believe it. Ugh. My brain is mush. I think that’s why I also fell so far behind on posting (I’m SO far behind). But I finally made myself get up off the couch (I was really busy – those crappy movies won’t watch themselves!) and get into the kitchen. (more…)
buckling down
When I started this blog, I planned to make one post a week. And I’ve been really good about baking something every single week! I’ve hardly missed any days at all – usually just because of holidays, and even then I tried to double-up the week before to compensate. But my posting? Yikes. That’s another matter all together. I’ve fallen so far behind it’s not even funny. (more…)
rum raisin chocolate chip cookies
Who here loves raisins?! I can almost hear the big resounding “ewwwwww!” Okay, wait, wait – come back. I know you’re not going to believe this, but this cookie is NOT the raisin cookie we all know and (apparently) hate. For one thing, the raisins are soaked in dark rum. For SIX HOURS. Picture that. Sound more promising? And that’s just the beginning… (more…)
sugar crunch cookies
I’ve mentioned many times before that I’m a fan of sugar cookies. And that I simply don’t understand people who don’t like them. What’s not to love? In my (apparently sheltered) life, I’ve only ever had rolled out sugar cookies. The first time I saw a drop sugar cookie recipe, I think I literally said “whaaaaa?” I thought I was pretty knowledgeable about the world of cookies (trust me, I have had a lot of hands-on experience – ahem), but I’m constantly finding recipes for cookies that I’ve never encountered before. And apparently common ones too, like snickerdoodles and cowboy cookies. And drop sugar cookies. Huh. (more…)
white chocolate cranberry cookies
Flip through any cookie recipe book (or scroll through my past posts) and you’ll see a lot of browns and beiges. From golden chocolate chip cookies to the palest sugar cookies to chocolate cookies so dark they’re almost black. Very monochromatic, right? Well flipping through my books one day, I suddenly saw a dash of colour. A bit of pink in an otherwise pale cookie. Pretty! Cranberry? YES! I love cranberries. They’re a constant staple in my freezer – I use them in muffins, oatmeal and smoothies all the time and will often toss them in even if the original recipe didn’t call for them (because yum). Tart cranberries paired with sweet white chocolate sounded really good, so I decided to give these cookies a try (and I hadn’t even seen the orange zest in the recipe yet!). (more…)
chocolate crackles
This week, I felt like something chocolate. Like chocolate chocolate. Really chocolate-y. You get the picture. This recipe was in the first book I picked up, and it looked so good I didn’t bother to search any further. A chocolate cookie with chocolate chips? Perfect. (more…)
triple chocolate chip cookies with walnuts
When I made the cowboy cookies last week, I was really waffling between that recipe and this one. Normally I won’t bake from the same cookbook two weeks in a row (I like to mix it up), but I really wanted to try this cookie. It just sounded fantastic. Chocolate chip cookies with three kinds of chocolate chips. And peanut butter chips. And walnuts. Sign me up! (more…)
crazy cowboy cookies
I’ve never been sure what a “cowboy cookie” is. It’s not a term I ever heard growing up, but as I began baking and exploring recipes, it’s a type of cookie I saw turn up in a lot of different recipe books. And there don’t seem to be any rules for what ingredients are involved, except that they all seem to contain a lot of ingredients. Is it just a regional name for a kitchen-sink-type cookie? (more…)
brown butter white chocolate macadamia cookies
I’m going to start right off by saying don’t judge this cookie by appearance. It doesn’t look like much, right? Trust me, the flavour is outstanding. You definitely want to make this cookie. Each week when I choose my recipe, it’s not a matter of finding one I want to bake, but rather narrowing down a very long list of cookies I want to try. This week, I waffled between three different recipes (they all sound so good!) before finally settling on this one. In the end, the thought of brown butter, macadamia nuts and white chocolate was too tempting to pass up. (more…)