playing catch-up

If anyone’s wondering why I have posts showing up in a weird order (if anyone has even noticed), it’s because I’m playing catch-up with things I wasn’t able to post in August/September because of the issues I was having – first with my hard drive and then with my service provider. I don’t want to have a huge dump of 15 recipes in one month, so I’m posting them close to their original date. So even though we’re in November now, you’ll be seeing new posts pop up that are dated a month or two ago. Once these are out of the way, I’ll be back to weekly posts.

You’d think I would’ve taken advantage of that downtime to get them all ready to go, but no. Apparently one of us is lazy (hint: it’s me). Right now, I’ve still got 9 posts I need to finish off. Nine. I’m really good at writing the post right away. And the photos are all taken. But the sorting and editing of the photos? I totally drag my feet there. I don’t even really know why, because once I sit down and force myself to get to it, it doesn’t take me that long. I can definitely get them done in an evening.

I think it’s that I have a hard time choosing which photos to use and editing them down to a reasonable number. I’ll waffle. There are times I’ll have several almost identical photos and every time I look at them I’ll pick a different favourite. So I end up second-guessing my choices. There have even been a couple times where after I’ve posted something, I’ll change my mind about a photo and sneak back in and change it, hoping that no one notices. (Is that wrong?)

How about other bloggers? What’s the one task that you always find yourself putting off?

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