
I’m afraid I got nothin’ for you this week! Except some sad news. Sad for me anyway. As much as I complain about my tiny kitchen and ancient unreliable stove, I actually really love my apartment. I’ve got the top floor of an old house. It’s old and drafty and falling apart, but with an amazing view of the city and the mountains, plus a nice big south-facing deck that gets lots of sun. I’m in a great neighbourhood within walking distance of everything I need. And my landlord just sold the house. Waaaaah.

So this past week has been a whole lot of panicking and running around, desperately trying to find a new apartment. Which is hard enough in a city with less than 1% vacancy (eep!), but it’s even more difficult when you have a pet. And I have a cat. An oooooold lady of 18 who I’m not going anywhere without. So with all that stress and worry, I didn’t even feel like eating, let alone baking. Sorry, but no new treats this week. In fact, I completely forgot about writing a post this week at all. I was so exhausted yesterday I fell asleep sitting upright on the couch. Whoops.

I’ll let you know how it goes. Wish me luck!

Comments: 6

  1. Marie Colman September 5, 2016 at 5:34 am Reply

    Oh noooo….I don’t go anywhere without my cat either so good for you!
    Best wishes going your way.

    • laurel @wannacomewith September 5, 2016 at 10:32 am Reply

      Thanks Marie! The nicest apartment just wouldn’t be home without my girl.

  2. Loura Yuen September 5, 2016 at 8:46 am Reply

    Oh dear Laurel,
    I am sorry to hear you have to find a new apartment in Vancouver…have your considered relocating to Burnaby or Coquitlam? It might be easier to find an apartment for rent. Don’t worry about us, your fans, we want you to be happy and get settled down so you can try out new recipe and share with us. I wish you all the luck to find a new home for you’re land your cat (what is her name?) Loura

    P.s. I live in Coquitlam, BC

    • laurel @wannacomewith September 5, 2016 at 10:36 am Reply

      Thank you Loura! That means a lot. I’ve been comparing prices and availability all over the city, and it all seems pretty similar everywhere. One of the big reasons I want to stay in my neighbourhood is that everything is within walking distance, and I don’t have a car. If I move out to somewhere like Coquitlam or Richmond, I feel like a car would be a must. Which is a whole other headache. :-/

      Having a cat really limits my choices. I did manage to find a place just off South Granville, roomy overall but the kitchen is TINY. I’m still looking, but I may end up there.

  3. Sophie Lam September 6, 2016 at 1:03 am Reply

    Dear Loura,

    Wish you find a nice place for both of you and of course come with a brilliant kitchen, good Luck!!!

    best wishes all the way from Asia.

    • laurel @wannacomewith September 22, 2016 at 11:08 am Reply

      Thank you Sophie! I’ve found a place (with a tiny kitchen), but I’m keeping my eye open for something better. Fingers crossed!

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